WireShark Windows版 のダイアルアップ回線のモニタ。


しかし、WinPcap3.xに含まれるNetMonInstaller.exe をインストールするとこの問題は解消される。
インストールは『NetMonInstaller.exe i 』すれば良い。



Q-25: I'm trying to capture from my dialup(PPP) connection with WinPcap 3.1beta,
 but I cannot (capture from)/see any PPP adapter. 
What's the problem (this information applies to 2000/XP/2003 only)?

A: First of all, WinPcap 3.1 uses the Microsoft NetMon driver to capture 
from dialup and VPN connection. This driver is installed automatically with the WinPcap setup.
 You can see this driver by looking at the properties of each network card or dialup connection
 (tab "General" or "Networking", depending on the adapter, it's listed as "Network Monitor Driver").
 If you have accidentally removed this driver from your machine, you can reinstall it by issuing
 the following command (with administrator privileges) from the WinPcap installation folder,
 which is \Program Files\WinPcap:

NetMonInstaller.exe i

Secondly, in order to capture, you must have "Power Users" or "Administrators" privileges 
on Windows 2000 and XP, and "Power Users + Network Configuration Operations" or "Administrators"
 privileges on Windows Server 2003. If you do not have such privileges, 
WinPcap 3.1beta will list such adapters, but you won't be able to open them 
(with pcap_openXXX or PacketOpenAdapter).